Saturday 11 March 2017

Evaluation Q2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

2) How does your media product represent particular social groups? 

In our thriller we have an all female cast which helps us challenge the stereotype that men are always the antagonists, i think the fact that we challenged the stereotype of men being the bad guys is positive for our thriller as it is different from many popular thrillers that very often have the men antagonists.

Image result for female antagonists

Our casts is supposed to represent characters that are in their early twenties which can give a god representation of what kind of things young people do, our thriller makes young people look like they are out of control and reckless. We didn't really consider the sexuality of our characters as they all play little parts and there wouldn't be enough time to show sexuality. 

Image result for sexuality symbols
Image result for working middle class
We tried to represent all our characters as middle class, to do this we dressed them in quite casual clothes and made them speak how they normally do as they are all in the working/middle class area. We used the stereotype of the scary person in the hoodie, to add tension, this is a stereotype because there are many thriller movies that have that scary hooded figure in the shot, we can see this in our thriller at the end when the antagonist is standing over the protagonist, this is to show that the antagonist is trying to intimidate the girl on the floor and it shows a gain in power. We also see this in the film 'Shifty'. We see Shifty trying to intimidate the two young adults, by standing over them with his hood on this gives him a scary and intense look. I think the 'scary hoodie' stereotype is quite positive to our thriller as it creates the sport of intense atmosphere that we were trying to create.

1 comment:

  1. Include evidence from your thriller (screen grabs) to illustrate this answer
