This Opening Sequence of the 2013 television show Hannibal is extremely effective in how it was designed and portrayed.This image from the initial "Rorschach" Ideas Board details on of the key motifs from the 1st Season. Blood is used to portray all of the images we are to see throughout all of the episodes of the season. The stag motif is integrated into the sequence as it is of relevance, but it also intermingled with the cast, to create a blurring of the line between animalism and humanity. The idea of blood did transfer over into the final design, however the use of the stag motif was dropped from the final title sequence. In order to create this final effect - Both Laurence Fishburne and Mads Mikkelson had 3D scans done, to fully create this effect accurately.

, from this, Cooper and Fincher worked with the editor., to splice together these pieces of footage. "If you go through frame-by-frame, they're might be as streak that lands somewhere, but its not the same shot...It was done to look accidental, but the methodology isn't." This is all done, in an ordered way, but creates a picture of the serial killer, and how he goes about doing his job.