Friday 11 November 2016

Mise En Scene

The Mise En Scene Exercise:

-In this exercise, we had to produce a small, quick film to show the people's emotions through body language and facial expressions. Firstly we showed the feeling of relaxation with a few friends chatting and are comfortable, they show this by being laid back, not showing any expression at all. then we showed the feeling of embarrassment, by having someone accidentally trip over with a handful of books. After this we showed some sympathy toward the embarrassment by asking them if they're okay. We then show the feeling of anger and frustration, as Viktorija looks unhappy and gives a long stare. The feeling of nervousness comes soon after as the group of friends become unaware and afraid of what Viktorija might say. The frustration and anger come back when she flips a chair and walks out of the classroom dramatically slamming the door behind her.

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