Friday 3 February 2017

Modern Thriller Openings

                                          Analysis Of Modern Thriller Openings


The use of the camera in the opening sequence thriller of Memento is identified as close up, also the scenes change to close ups of blood, a bullet and glasses that have fallen the person who was shot. This is all done with sound added, and the sound in this opening sequence is quite eerie, and matches with the scenes to create suspense for the audience. The editing is quite unique in this opening sequence, because the first part looks normal but the further on it goes the audience can start to realise that this scene is being reversed which can cause them to ask questions about what is happening and what the point of this is. It can also tell the audience that it has a difficult, hard to understand structure so the audience would have to pay close attention to the film 

The camera is used in different ways in the opening sequence of this thriller.  A range of wide shots are used in order to show the audience what the settings/surrounding are. The editing in this sequence includes an eye line match, which is the tunnel scene and the camera is showing the boy looking at something off camera then the next scene/shot was showing what the boy was looking at which was a body. 
The music in the opening of this thriller is different as it doesn't create that much suspense until the tunnel scene is shown. Mise en scene in the opening is used as there is dark lighting to emphasise that in this scene something could be discovered for the audience.  The scene can also be identified as parallel because it is a flash forward. 


 With the use of camera, different scenes are filmed as wide shots and close ups of their faces in the opening sequence. the wide shots also show the setting of the sequence/film and also shows what the current situation is, for example, the camera focuses on the car at different angles to show the girl and boy are going out driving for the 4th of July. The opening of the scene showed a shot/reverse shot between the two characters in the scene which can let the audience experience the different point of views from each person. The music in the opening sequence is not as eerie as the previous movies, it has music that matches the even such as arty music and loud beats, but as it goes on the music becomes more quieter, which creates suspense and can make the audience question what could happen further on.

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